Assignments, First Impressions - My Thoughts

 Reading - i don't fully understand what writing in an academic style entails as of yet but I am hoping this will be explained more in a lecture when these reading tasks begin.

Unity 3d - this is what i am most looking forward to in this module as i could potentially see myself going into game development in the future and it seems like it will be a fun and rewarding experience.

Blog Comments - I am not a big fan of this idea as i am planning on working ahead and trying to get as far ahead as i can in the module , i would much prefer to work solo and receive feedback from a lecturer or a couple of friends when it is essential.

Projects - I like the idea of having a work in progress throughout the semester, ordinarily i would prefer a group project but due to working from home i think it would make more sense to work alone on a project.

Project Feedback - I feel like this idea will have the same problems as the blog comments where if i want to work ahead then i will be left waiting to receive feedback, i believe it would be much more beneficial to just receive feedback from a lecturer when its necessary 

Extra Credit

Tech Tasks - I think its a great idea having extra credit tasks which can replace other tasks that i otherwise don't like doing, the course feels much more tailored to student experience 

Wikipedia Trails - This sounds like a strange idea but it could end up being a fun experience, again, i like the idea of replacement assignments to make up for other, more annoying tasks

Growth Mindset/Heart - I think it is a good idea to have some kind of class or at least part of a class to develop our mindsets, i think this could be similar to our classes with Margaret in year 1 of the course except now more focused on developing a particular type of mindset

Extra Commenting - I'm very anti-social, i'm perfectly happy working through the course by myself or with some interactions with friends

First Impressions: So far this seems like a course i am going to enjoy, i like the idea of being able to work ahead at my own pace and that there are more options for the kind of work to do, it feels like this class will be much more tailored to my experience as a student, i'm not too fond of the idea of having to comment on other peoples blogs and having to give feedback to people who i probably haven't spoken to.
I'm most intrigued by the idea of game design because i like the concept of world building and lore in games.
i like the idea building a growth mindset for extra credit because while i dont think it necessarily relates to the coursework , i think it is something that is important for life in general
