Learning Challenge - What Would Happen if you Didn't Sleep?

I was well-aware of the importance of sleep for repair of D.N.A and muscle-protein synthesis, and for general resting purposes to give the brain a much needed break

I was unaware of some of the effects of sleep deprivation, namely , I would not have thought that losing the ability to tell what things are by touching them as this seems so normal and not like something that humans could function without.

I drink alot of caffeine as a way of keeping myself alert and to be able to train harder in the gym but i was unaware that it blocked adenosine, I am going to try to go 1 week with no caffeine to see how i am effected and if there is a backlog of waste adenosine in my brain, if so i will have earlier nights for a while until i feel like i am back to normal.


  1. Hi, Conor!
    WOW I was unaware of all of these these things! I always known sleeping wasa important but I didn't know it was THAT important lol
    As a good Brazilian I always drank a lot of coffee (and I mean, strong coffee!), I have got to the point that drinking coffe to keep me awake does help any more ~worring. Because of that I have been trying to reduce the amout of caffeine I drink.
    Best of luck on these last days of semester 1 :D
    Lívia Alencar


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