Unity Tutorial 03 - My Thoughts

I can clearly tell the unity tutorials are getting harder by the week as this took a considerably longer amount of time than the previous weeks, i also ran into multiple small issues along the way which made this take much longer, Mostly due to forgetting semi-colons at the end of lines of code, but still a good few issues that did not make sense, but by the end of the tutorials i had the animals being capable of spawning in random positions away from the player, and the player character was able to shoot pizza by pressing the space bar.

I learned quite alot in this tutorial , like having the ability to create a spawner, i feel that i could implement this into a game myself because it would allow a randomness in the game. I still don't understand the use for prefabs but i am hoping that it becomes more used and clearer through the rest of the tutorials.

I think it is also a very useful skill to be able to destroy objects once they leave the players screen, i feel like the camera position could be altered and the animal spawn position be pushed back further to give the player a more immersive experience, i don't particularly like how it looks 2D because of the top down view.

