Review Week Comments and Feedback


So far i have only recieved 9 comments on my blog, most being on my introduction post, so i don't really have much actual feedback to go off of, I feel like most of the feedback i have received has been a bit useless to be frank, it feels like there is a lot of type with very little actual use, there doesnt seem to be much constructive criticism, i never thought i would be looking for criticism from people but i feel like having a bit more input into my project could have been beneficial, even if i did not choose to implement advice it could have helped to have some objective thoughts which might have lead me somewhere else. Knowing how stubborn i am though, i very likely to ignore most criticism.

I feel like i have left a mix of good and bad comments on others blogs, i always try to find something to compliment on other peoples post and something to critique, i think it is important to let people know that you are trying to be helpful without being mean, i find that most people will choose to ignore feedback initially, but it will usually be in the back of their minds and they will usually take it on board eventually. I do think the WWW and TAG strategies work but i don't tend to follow them strictly, i think that you should however break up comments into sections and try to analyse different parts of each blog post. In saying that, for some posts i found it difficult to give positive or negative feedback so i generally posed a question or asked them for their opinion on whatever the post was about in a way in which they did not answer in the post, more so as just something to think about, and as a possible way of giving them an idea of something to write into a future post.

I don't feel like i am getting to know many people through the blogs as it feels quite impersonal leaving a comment which will likely go unread or will not get a reply, Im not too sure how i would change the comment system to fix this, maybe if each person was assigned 2 people each week and then the following week you would leave a comment on the peoples blogs who had commented on your own the previous week. I think my introduction post gives a good insight into my life, from the comments i have received it seems like i do have some common interest with a few people.

I think i might start focusing more on the WWW and TAG strategies when leaving feedback for the final few weeks of this semester as i think leaving constructive feedback will be beneficial to many people now as we work on our game projects.

To make the feedback more useful for me, i would hope that there could be a bit more of a push from the rest of my year group to leave better comments on my and every other blog, i think we need to push each other to actually achieve good grades in the course. 
