Week 9 Reading and Writing


Overall i think the Reading and writing assignments are fine, they have a good mix of topics and a difficulty range in the reading, which i believe at a college level is expected and beneficial to make students more capable readers. I like these assignments as they are low stress have a clear amount of time needed to do them, even though i generally go over the hour it is usually a case of me enjoying what i am reading. My only issue is picking out things to add into a blog post as i find that each week there is usually alot of the same points repeated in the readings meaning i usually end up with a large text for the first reading, and then will have much shorter paragraphs  for the second and third readings. I do think it would be ok to have only 2 readings per week as they are usually long enough to take the full hour and i usually will read thoroughly through the fist but then have spent so much time on that , that i end up only skimming through the others. I do like the inclusion of videos as its much easier to concentrate on.

My favorite reading so far was the reading about creating a flow state for gamers, i like the thought of learning about how to keep people engaged in a game and think it is helping in the development of my game. I think it has made an important impact because difficulty in games is a part of the flow, which was also an interesting read.

I can't say i've discovered any strategies to make the reading tasks any easier but i think it is just best practice to get it out of the way early and be able to have as much of the work out of the way when i have free time, it also means i can spend the rest of the week working on my other class work.

So far i'm happy with my game project, ive had a few annoying issues that i don't understand what went wrong but i seem to have no issues anymore. Im still not sure about what i want my final game to look like, as i had in my head that it would be alot of just solid colours and basic shapes, similar to the game Superhot, but i also dont want it to look low effort, ill possibly look for feedback on the look of the game.

My biggest accomplishment is definitely making a game that works as well as it currently does, i was very concerned about it actually running on my current laptop.

I think this image from my last post has to be my favorite

This is my favorite because you can see the beta speed boost (yellow) and jump boost (purple), i think this will always remind me how much i actually learned from implementing these, it was fairly straightforward to implement a speed boost but the jump boost took quite a lot of trial and error and i had to redo the weight of all of my game objects, this was definitely a learning experience.

To get more out of the reading, i would like there to be only 2 readings instead of 3 so that i can put a bit more time into them rather than having to kind of stretch time between them, i would also like more videos to explain concepts.
