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I found these tutorials to be a bit of a mixed bag as they began with very basic set up of unity which i already have had plenty of experience with so i was able to breeze through them. the next set of tutorials were fairly straightforward, just going over the basics of 2d unity character movement. i ran into a few issues with the set up of the tile map and grid system, i found the lack of video tutorials for these not ideal as i like to watch them for reference to make sure i am doing things correctly, i found the explanations a bit vague and unclear in parts so it took significantly longer to do this section of the tutorial than i believe was necessary because i did not understand the instructions. i did not realize that i could move the palette editor onto the unity project screen until i was almost finished, i also did not realise that i was supposed to use the palette to paint the tiles onto the game screen as i did not see the option until i figured out i could move the palette screen onto the editor. all in all i think it was fun designing a tilemap for a game.
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