Planning the reading project

I began today by changing my topic from positive and negative feedback loops in games to user interface as my topic was overlapping with another. The UI design of games is an interest of mine since playing the witcher 3, because of its UI system which many players take issue with and there seems to be a large group who find it to be the only fault with the game.

I set up a google doc to keep track of the academic papers i will be reading as i found the document on the cdmonline site to be quite complicated and i think it will be simpler to just keep a list of titles i've read.

I found keywords that i thought would be helpful by reading through a few articles about user interfaces i found on google and then created an image listing the 20 keywords. Using these keywords i should be able to find academic papers related to the design of the user interface in game design. 

During the lecture Lindsay Dowling from the TUD Blanchartdstown library came to talk to us about how to use the online library, how to click and collect books, how to use ref works and what to do if we find that we must use google scholar and how to reference those sources properly.

 review doc -"

User Interface Conor Burke

Usage Clarity Size & Scale Interactivity Display Information Layout Animation Context-Aware

Visual Legible Playability Animation Influence Learn Usability Function Design Accessibility Content


my own image
