- this weeks readings - all readings
I found this weeks reading much more manageable as i now understand how the TUD library site works properly from using it so often as well as i now understand RefWorks and have added all of the readings i have done thus far into a folder. I am not a big fan of the Ref works layout and feel like it is very much over crowded and after doing so much reading about user interfaces i feel like i am well capable of judging other UIs. I found it slightly more challenging this week to find documents which fit with my topic, and am a bit frustrated as i found 2 papers with seemingly very interesting abstracts but both papers were themselves not in English. However this has lead to me finding more library search options, namely the English only option. I found that one or two of the papers i reviewed had a lot of useful information towards the start of the paper but then seemed to transition into different topics some ways in and it made finishing the bibliography for those papers more difficult to do. I also found that there was quite a bit of overlapping information in some paper so i would like to find more which relate to more of the design theory rather than usability.
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