I'm very glad to have this week as a fairly easy one, just needing to review 2 of my peers sets of work. I am also glad i got feedback on my writing during the lecture as i would not have known about putting the citations in correctly. I sorted those out after the lecture as i am aware that they would have been mentioned by my peers so i would like to keep the criticism to a minimal. I read through Eamon's work first and wrote him an email with the issues i found with each section, i have been talking with him about the module and he gave me prior warning not to expect his work to be too great as he had to rush through it due to other deadlines, i can safely say he just needs to fix a few spelling errors and insert citations for the most part. I then reviewed Bernard's work which seemed to be done quite well overall, however i did notice he was working on it as i was reviewing so i assume he was fixing errors Eamon had found, apart from the paragraphs not all being located together on his document i would say they are done quite well. I will now take on board my feedback and make neccessary changes.
google doc link : https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQJjCPOW9u715Wbdmpg06BjA4yFG0nirQKkStt79qw55i9LAgMrFFbnxBNPg43REMxCxkqI2C6L_ax0/pub
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